
HTM Customer Communication

MedWrench Guru, Tony Cody, Technology Management Director at Banner Health, shares advice on customer communication as a HTM professional.

Tue Sep 17 2019By Tony Cody

The number one opportunity for most Healthcare Technology Management (HTM) programs is communication.  Although I could broaden the topic to include internal departmental communication, I would like to focus on communication from the HTM department to the customer. 

  • Communicate from Alpha to Omega - Make sure you communicate from the inception of the work order to following up when the work is completed (rounding is a great time to do this).
  • Use your Computerize Medical Maintenance Software (CMMS)– Today’s CMMS have many automated capabilities that will allow automated delivery of the work order to the originator and their leader.
  • Unexpected changes – Whenever you are engaged with a service event, make sure you communicate any unexpected situations that can lead to not meeting the customer’s expectations.
  • Overnight repairs – If the piece of equipment can’t be repaired the same day, I encourage you to send an e-mail to the person that initiated the work order and the owning department’s leader.

We can’t control the communication the customer performs within their own department, and it can cause the perception that the HTM department did not effectively communicate.  Sometimes this is due to different shifts or exceedingly high patient census.  I try to over communicate as to minimize this situation.  It is important to work with your customer to build a partnership as the medical maintenance program requires actions and responsibilities from the customer and provider to be successful.

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