Kinetec - Centura C.E.M.
Continuous Passive Motion Unit
The Kinetec C.E.M machine allows the extension/flexion of the elbow with fixed prono-supination, in all plans of the shoulder abduction.
[list] [*] Warm-Up: offers the patient a gradual progression to the pre-set full ROM. [*] Modulation: allows manual setting of the ROM end-point based on patient tolerance. [*] ROM By Pass: pallows bypassing the pre-set ROM end points during the current treatment session. [*] Program: allows set-up of up to 16 customised programs. [*] Timer: Adjustment of the session time. [*] Force: Work out of Concentric / Eccentric. [*] Pause: Adjustable in extension or flexion limit. Allowing the rest or the posture Indications [*] Intra-articular fractures of the Elbow with O.R.I.F. [*] Arthrolysis for post-traumatic stiffness with limitation of elbow joint motion. [*] Release for extra-articular adhesions. [*] Prosthetic Elbow joint replacement. [*] Synovectomy of the Elbow. [/list]
Additional Specifications
Extension/Flexion -10 to 135° - with fixed prono-supination - In all plans of the shouler abduction