Olympus - BX51
by Olympus

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The Solid, Heavy Y-Shaped Stand provides exceptional stability and viewing comfort. UIS2 Optics ensure superb performance over an extended range of wavelengths resulting in images at all magnifications that are flat, sharp, clear, high contrast and free from color shift. A 4 Position Push-Button Filter Selector is built into the base with 2 Neutral Density filters, a Daylight Conversion Filter and an open space for one additional filter. The system comes with a Binocular Phototube making it Camera Ready. The 6 Position Reversed Nosepiece has the built-in slot allowing you to add DIC or simple Polarized Light at a later date. The UPlanFLN objectives are superb for Bright Field Imaging but will also provide Superior Performance should you ever want to upgrade to Epi-Fluorescence.

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3 years ago
Condenser stuck
The condenser on the microscope is not moving up or down it's stuck, what can i do? The model of the microscope is BX51 Olympus. Reply


3 years ago
Light not coming on.
I have an Olympus microscope model BX51TRF the light is not coming on and when i measure the voltage it's only showing 2v that's reaching the terminals instead of 6v. Can you help please.Reply


8 years ago
Olympus BX51

I NEED SERVICE MANUAL, OR  electric scheme.. thanks



[list]      [*] Superb optical performance      [*] Outstanding florescence capability      [*] Contrast and resolution optimized Nomarski DIC      [*] Structural rigidity and compact Y-shape      [*] Research imaging platform      [*] Logical layout and ergonomic design      [*] Great system versatility with a wide range of accessories      [/list]

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