Fujifilm - DRYPIX Smart 6000
by Fujifilm

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Medical Printer 

Drypix Smart delivers superior quality images to satisfy various needs of multi-department hospitals. Despite its compact size, enabling use anywhere in a medical facility, throughput is extremely high with no compromise on image quality.

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3 days ago
Equipment Name: Fujifilm - DRYPIX Smart 6000

Hello Francisco, my name is Evrard. Contact me by email : enovariste at gmail.com I can configure this reprograph. What software are you using on your console? See you soon!



-Kalonda zenga Francisco
15 days ago
Hello, my name is Francisco. I have a problem with my DryPix 6000 smart printer. I can't access the web interface or configure it properly. Can you help me?

Equipment: Fujifilm - DRYPIX Smart 6000



a month ago
IP, número de puerto y título AE
IP, número de puerto y título AE

Equipment: Drypix6000 fuji

IP, port number and AE title

Equipment: Drypix6000 fuji

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  • High Throughput: Drypix Smart boasts a speed of 80 sheets per hour with 14" x 17" film
  • Two Trays:Drypix Smart has two universal film trays which enable printing on two different film sizes at the same time 
  • High Resolution and High Maximum Density: Offering high resolution of 508 dpi and a maximum density of 4.0, the Drypix Smart is ideal for mammography 
  • Image Processing Engine: Advanced Variable Response (A-VR) Spline Interpolation Fujifilm's A-VR automatically detects and distinguishes between image data and alphanumeric characters, ensuring clear, sharp alphanumerics even when noisy images require smooth interpolation of image data


Height893 cm
Length 630 cm
Weight104 kg
Width610 cm

Additional Specifications

  • Pixel Size: 50 Μm (508 dpi)/100 Μm (245 dpi) 
  • Image Memory: 1GB

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