Conmed - HelixAR
The HelixARTM combines the advanced specialty modes of a premium ESU with the benefits of CONMED’s latest ABC Technology.This product limits voltage to 2700V in Lap Mode, helping reduce the risks of inadvertent burns from capacitive coupling. The HelixAR has rapid energy initiation for immediate clinical effect in high load/low impedance conditions and pulsing bursts of coagulation for controlled hemostasis with reduced tissue carbonization.
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1Reply2 years ago | service manual do you have the service manual for this device? Equipment: Conmed - HelixAR Reply |
0Replies4 years ago | Argon Beam Plasma Coagulator ESU The argon beam coagulator or plasma coagulator ESU is very similar to a traditional ESU with the standard Monopolar, Bipolar and patient return monitoring but this device has a role that no other device can fulfill: It can instantly coagulate blood and bleeding tissue.Reply |
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[list] [*] Argon Dissect: Works with the CONMED dissecting electrode to provide argon enhanced cutting with four varying levels of hemostasis [*] Pulse Argon: Provides controlled hemostasis for small surface bleeders with four pulse timings [*] Rapid, Superficial Hemostasis Reduces carbonization by allowing ABC® to coagulate directly on the stroma of target tissue Less blood loss, less OR time and improved eschar integrity can result from this rapid hemostasis [*] Less Tissue Damage Due to the cooling effects of argon flow during RF energy delivery, ABC operates at lower temperatures than spray coagulation [*] Focused RF Energy Argon gas enables precise delivery of RF energy in a uniform stream, which is distributed evenly on tissue [*] Clear Visualization Improves visualization by helping carry surgical smoke away from the field of view, reduces unpleasant odors and clears the surgical site of blood and other fluids [/list]