MAQUET - AlphaStar Plus
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Electrically movable OR TableMAQUET's AlphaStar Plus
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0Replies3 years ago | How to calibrate or set positions Hello everybody. I am beginer technitian and I have got a problem to set the positions of a Maquet AlphaStar Plus. I am looking for setting the "0" positions in order to calibrate de all movements when a puss the "level" button. The problem is with leg positions wich doesn't achieve the "0°" when I level the table. Is there any way to set up all positions to "0" and configurate the "level" positon function? Does someone have the service manual? Thanks a lot. Best regards. Martin Reply |
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[list] [*] Universal OR-table [*] Excellent storage comfort [*] All surgical fields easy to use [*] Electro-hydraulic setting [*] SFC-pad [*] Electric drive [/list]