Via Medical has responded to the need for an automated bedside Blood Gas and Chemistry Monitor in the critical care setting.The VIA Blood Gas and Chemistry Monitor connects to an existing arterial or venous line where it withdraws a small blood sample, performs eleven of the most commonly requested blood chemistries and then reinfuses the sample – all in about one minute.
[list] [*] PATIENT ATTACHED, NO MORE MANUAL SAMPLES The changing face of healthcare puts your time at a premium. The current method of manual blood gas sampling and analysis involves many steps – increasing the chance for errors and delays. The VIA Patient Attached Blood Gas and Chemistry Monitor combines automation with proven electrode technology to meet your clinical needs in a variety of critical care settings. [*] FAST, SAFE, SIMPLE The VIA Blood Gas and Chemistry Monitor combines state-of-the-art technology with safety. This simple closed system eliminates blood loss and blood handling, reducing the risks to both patient and clinician. [*] ACCURATE RESULTS AND COST EFFECTIVENESS Analysis can now be performed at the bedside – automatically or on demand. Accurate test results can now be reported every 10 minutes over a 72-hour period – all with one VIA Blood Gas and Chemistry Sensor. Your cost goes down with each test. [*] RAPID RESPONSE TO CHANGING PATIENT STATUS You can now observe dynamic and sometimes rapid changes in patient blood gases and chemistries absolutely a critical clinical advantage, which may lead to improved patient outcomes and shorter hospital stays. [/list]
Height | 8.5 in |
Length | 9 in |
Weight | 16 lbs |
Width | 9.5 in |
Additional Specifications
Analysis Time: Approximately 1 minute