Verathon - BladderScan BVI 9400
The power of NeuralHarmonics®
The BladderScan BVI 9400 bladder volume instrument, with NeuralHarmonics technology, is a portable 3D ultrasound device that quickly, accurately, and noninvasively measures urinary bladder volume and post-void residual (PVR) in adults and small children.
With one click, the BVI 9400 captures ultrasound images in multiple planes inside the body and produces a three-dimensional dataset of the bladder. Based on this data, the BVI 9400 calculates and displays the bladder volume. No sonographer is required.
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3Replies2 years ago | CALIBRATION Does anyone have a copy of the link for the spotscan calibration.Reply |
0Replies6 years ago | BladderScan BVI-9400 Video Tutorial The BladderScan BVI-9400 Video Tutorial is an animated, step-by-step demonstration in the use of the BVI-9400 portable ultrasound instrument used in measuring bladder volume.Reply |
- Measures bladder volume accurately and noninvasively on a wide range of patients
- Helps assess urinary retention and postoperative urinary retention (POUR)
- Helps evaluate many common urological problems (LUTS)
- Helps prevent unnecessary catheterization
Helps reduce rates of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI)
Helps differentiate between types of incontinence to determine appropriate care
Helps improve efficiency of healthcare professionals by reducing costs and saving staff time