Sorin Group - Brat 2
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A high quality, fast performing ATSSalvaging the patient’s own blood has become a critical part of patient care, helping to save lives as well as offset the high cost of providing allogeneic blood. The BRAT 2® Autologous Transfusion System processes blood faster than other systems, providing high hematocrit and excellent wash quality. With its patented Baylor Bowl, the BRAT 2 system can quickly process high volumes of blood without spilling red blood cells into the waste bag. Additionally, custom programming options allow the user unparalleled flexibility in processing.
FORUMSView All (4)
1Reply4 years ago | Mrs lineth i could like to get information on how i can buy the Brat 2 transfusion machineReply |
0Replies7 years ago | fluid filled loop Could someone send me a picture of their fluid filled loop that they use for pump calculations?Reply |
2Replies12 years ago | Service manual Does anyone have a copy of the service manual for the Brat2? If so, could a copy be sent to me? Reply |