GE HealthCare - Versamed iVent 201
Efficiently addresses critical care, ER, sub acute, transport, and homecare needs
Intuitive design makes the i-Vent 201 easy to use. Its' straightforward layout helps you to get oriented and started quickly. The one rotational control knob and five touch keys are all you need. Simply enter your patient's weight using the control knob, and ventilation starts instantly. iVent201's intelligent software automatically adjusts using your institutions' preferred ventilatory strategy.
With its comprehensive list of standard features, including the latest modes of ventilation, the iVent201 is appropriate for all levels of patient acuity, from pediatric through adult, and in all care settings, from the patient’s bedside to transport to another point of care.
With its highly featured transport capability and rugged construction, the iVent201 takes ICU ventilation outside of the confines of the hospital. Optimized NIV and Adaptive Bipap help caregivers maximize patient comfort and synchrony.
FORUMSView All (8)
1Reply4 years ago | Service manual Service manual Reply |
2Replies4 years ago | Event num 305 I cant find what does event num 305 means can anyone help me? Or can tell where to search the error? Reply |
1Reply4 years ago | FAILED 21 RAW Hellow friends I have a GE ivent 201 respirator and it gives me an error FAILED 21, I have changed the oxygen cell and when I try to calibrate I receive this error, any help to diagnose this failure? ThanksReply |
SERVICE COMPANIESView All Ventilator Companies
- Adaptive Bi-Level (NIV)
- Preset parameters by patient weight
- Apnea backup ventilation
- Adjustable rise time
- Easy Exhale
- Sigh breath
- 100% O2 suction