BIOTEX S.A. - BlueX PantOs 16 XP
The PantOs 16 XP is specially designed to perform panoramic and cephalometric examinations in adults or children, right, left or frontal partial views of dentition with minimum dose.
A panoramic radiography can provide a complete and comprehensive view of the dental arch, maxillary and mandibular regions and of temporo mandibular joints (TMJ). Information can be obtained for the number and position of the teeth, tooth development, dental age assessment, impacted teeth etc.
A cephalometric radiography is a special lateral radiography illustrating the facial contours. It can be very useful mainly in orthodontics study for the design of an orthodontic treatment. It enables the lateral display of all teeth and facial bones.
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0Replies3 years ago | Pantos 16Xp Good afternoon friends, I have a problem with a Pantos 16xp, it shows the error screen #11 and #12, I can't get a service manual, if someone has it and can send it to my email, I thank you very much, in the same way if Can someone help me with the error I would be very grateful. Email Thanks a lot.Reply |
0Replies3 years ago | Error 3 . Dear colleagues, I have an Error 3 on a PantOs3 , can anyone help ? Could you help with service manual. Thanks Reply |