Fukuda Denshi - ST-95
by Fukuda Denshi

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The ST-95 SPIROANALYZER, belonging to Fukuda Sangyo’s family of Spirometer products, is a pulmonary function testing instrument intended for performing patho-physiological breathing tests to evaluate Human respiratory functionality. The instrument is used by general physicians; respiratory practitioners; or, qualified personnel in medical hospitals, medical centers, clinics, or near the patient during domiciliary visit. The instrument carries out measurements of a patient’s pulmonary Vital Capacity (VC), Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), and, Maximum Voluntary Ventilation (MVV) by capturing instantaneous air flow data at discreet intervals of time while the patient does a prescribed breathing maneuver. The flow data pattern being displayed graphically on a LCD screen display. Its capability also extends to the storage and analysis per patient for three (3) series of VC and FVC data respectively; and, two (2) series of MVV data that maybe displayed in tabulated data-form on the same LCD screen. The acquired and analyzed data may then be compared against various spirometric indices as determined from user-selectable predicted equations. The instrument has likewise the ability to do comparative analysis required in Pre-post Medication and Bronchial Challenge Testing Regimens and a summary generation of hard-copy reports for all the tests in a manner useful for clinical analysis. The device has multiple patient-data storage of up to fifty (50) patients' that can be selectively stored into its built-in memory. With selected measurement results, data and their corresponding waveforms may be electronically uploaded via the RS-232 port to a waiting Personal Computer (PC). Data Management Software, FS/PC-95, for the PC is available at an option. Conventional fleish-type pneumotach flow sensor is provided as a standard accessory and an optional disposal flow sensor may be used at your requisite. Contraindication in the use of this instrument lies solely in the skill of the clinical technician to exact and be able to recognize a good patient effort and cooperation for optimal measurement results. The multiple- testing function of the instrument thus insures that a “maximum training effect” is achieved by the patient for measurement accuracy.

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