Agilent Technologies - 4210 MP-AES
by Agilent Technologies

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Atomic Absorption

The Agilent 4210 MP-AES is a high sensitivity atomic emission spectrometer that is the perfect alternative to the traditional flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) technique.

The MP-AES Instrument utilizes a microwave plasma and as it runs on air instead of combustible gases, it can be installed in either a centralized laboratory or a remote location. With detection limits down to ppb levels and no sample pretreatment necessary, the 4210 MP-AES delivers MP-AES analysis at a fraction of the cost of traditional techniques.

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7 months ago
Hello, does anyone have the service manual for the CISA model 4210 HDF or 4210 TS/EV/2P sterilizer? Thank you. Best regards.

Equipment: Agilent Technologies - 4210 MP-AES



  • Runs unattended, without flammable or expensive gas supply, dramatically reducing your operating cost
  • Application-specific software applets plus plug-and-play hardware ensures ease-of-use, allowing any user to set up quickly without method development or alignment, and with minimal training
  • In addition to eliminating flammable and oxidizing gases, the MP-AES improves lab safety by eliminating the need to plumb multiple gases into the laboratory, or manually transport and handle gas cylinders
  • High-performance, magnetically excited microwave plasma source provides superior detection limits and larger linear dynamic range compared to flame AA.
  • Robustness and reliability that are ideal for industries such as food and agriculture, chemicals, petrochemicals, manufacturing, mining, and use at remote locations
  • Extend the performance with a range of accessories such as a humidifier, Advanced Valve System 4, and IsoMist temperature-controlled spray chamber, ensuring stable analysis of even your toughest samples
  • The MP Expert Automation Software pack allows automated remote control of the instrument, with status updates and results relayed to you in real time
  • Intuitive MP Expert software provides method development and software applets that include pre-set method templates, control of integrated accessories, and enhanced diagnostics to maximize your instrument up-time and dramatically simplify your workflow

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