NuAire - Blizzard HC NU-99338J
by NuAire

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Biomedical Freezer

The Blizzard™ range of vertical ultra-low freezers efficiently stores samples by using HC refrigerants and protects them within a structure using steel walls and a composite VIP and polyurethane insulation. Multiple, polyurethane foam insulated interior doors allow easy access with minimal temperature loss to racks set on the stainless-steel shelves inside. Running parameters are clearly displayed on the front electronic control panel at all times and can be downloaded via the USB port for long term datalogging.

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  • The electronic control system is placed at eye level for easy viewing and displays a clear readout of internal temperature, ambient temperature, and voltage during normal operation. If an abnormal situation arises, the panel activates an audible and visual alarm. Several indicator lights provide more detailed notifications about the freezer’s working condition, alarms, or maintenance needs. The easy to use navigation arrows and set key allow the user to create a pass code for access, choose a temperature set point, establish alarms limits, and configure a variety of other freezer preferences.


  • The USB port allows one to easily download years of data to meet your facility's reporting requirements. 
  • A combination of polyurethane and VIP insulation in the main body of the freezer forms the first line of defense for the low temperature environment.    
  • The outer door uses a quadruple gasket to defend against loss of cold air at this critical juncture and closes with a claw-like latch to ensure a tight fit.
  • The final gatekeepers for the samples inside, the segmented inner doors are themselves both insulated and single-gasketed to minimize loss of cold air.
  • Stainless steel shelves allow racks to be aligned with the segmented doors for quick access to needed samples without exposing other compartments.

Additional Specifications

  • 1 Minutes Door Open Recovery Time (25°C ambient running temp -75°C) in Minutes -   25
  • 2-inch Box Capacity  -  216
  • Ambient Temperature (°C)   - 10 to 32
  • Electrical Configuration -   115V50Hz, 220V60Hz, 230V50Hz

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