Philips - Achieva 1.5T A-Series
by Philips

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MRI System 

With up to 32 RF receiver channels, an extensive range of high-channel receive coils and powerful SENSE x16 acceleration, it allows access to advanced applications such as 4D imaging and real-time imaging capabilities. Powered by advanced Nova Dual gradients, the Achieva 1.5T A-series offers premium performance in all applications.

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3 years ago
Exam card - how to? needed...
Hi, I need to learn how to save parameters on an exam card on an Achieva MRI 1.5T console pls? thnx -raj sReply


4 years ago
Problem with Achieva
Hi, We get error message: Scan aborted after error. Spectrometer could not be allocated. Any help is most welcome.Reply


5 years ago
Gradient system C781
Hi. Does anyone a electronic sheet about Gradient C781? I have a broken gradient, the IGBTs module are shortcut . I need know how I check the gate circuit. Thanks. JorgeReply


  • One click to consistent and reproducible MRI exams. SmartExam automatically controls the planning, scanning, and processing of MRI scans, with one click.
  • FreeWave is the heart of the next generation of MRI scanners, prepared to handle the imaging needs of the future.
  • The gold standard in parallel imaging, SENSE can be combined with virtually every scan method for clinical benefits such as reduced scan times, higher temporal resolution and enhanced spatial resolution.
  • ExamCards contain all the scans required for a complete MRI examination in one easy-to-use file that can be downloaded directly to a Philips MRI scanner, providing fast, consistent MRI results.


Magnet TypeSuperconducting
Weight6400 lbs
Clinical UseWhole Body
Gantry (Max. Clearance) 60 cm flaring out to 110 cm cm
Magnetic Field Strength1.5 T
Patient Weight Capacity550 lbs

Additional Specifications

  • Minimum room size (length x width x height): 3.6m x 5.4m x 3.0m

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