NeoMedix - Acquidata Median
by NeoMedix

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A diagnostic urodynamic system for filling and voiding cystometrograms.

[b]Clinical cart system[/b]     A Clinical System Cart gives mobility within your department. The cart accomodates the data processor, desktop computer, printer and provides space for the AcquiVideo option. Patient related transducers are mounted on a seperate mobile AcquiPole.           [b]The ultimate user interface[/b]     Simple and intuitive to use, as few as three mouse clicks to complete a urodynamics recording procedure. (not including patient name entry or report generation)

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[list]    [*] Automated UroReport patient report with P-Q plot and nomograms      [*] User reconfigurable display including split screen (for simultaneous comparison of flow patterns)      [*] Export of report and all waveform data to spreadsheets or databases      [*] Simple fast two step re-calibration of transducers      [*] All raw data saved with each file can be retrospectively reviewed using any desired settings or off-line calculations      [*] Supplied complete with all transducers and catheters ready to start testing (user to supply bladder filling media)      [*] Remote control to allow single key operation of most functions      [*] Phase alignment of flow trace (to perfect P-Q plots)    [/list]

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