Beckman Coulter - Avanti J-26XP
by Beckman Coulter

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High throughput in under 10 minutes

The Avanti J-26 XP Series is designed for high throughput and versatility. Teamed with the J-LITE® JLA-8.1000 6-liter rotor, polycarbonate and polypropylene bottles, and disposable HarvestLine System Liners, the Avanti J-26 XP centrifuges can process 6 liters in 10 minutes. These are versatile high-performance systems as well, capable of running the full line of Beckman Coulter high-performance rotors-including the AllSpin JS-5.3 Rotor with optional microplate carriers and adapters for conical tubes and bottles.

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3 years ago
Beckman Avanti J-26 XP Centrifuge(Dead)
Beckman Avanti J-26 XP Centrifuge(Dead) I'm an Electronic Technician servicing Instrumentation within our facility. Have a Avanti J-26 XP in which the front panel/keypad is dark. Have removed the front and rear panels. Checked/verified 240v legs into and out of the switch/breaker - all fine. Voltage is making it to small Power Supply mounted on rear wall. However, I have no schematics to show what the voltages "out" should be on multipin strip at base of supply. Secondly, I have checked the fuses on the front mounted control board - all fine. With power on and interlock defeated I verified voltage test points at edge of board- all fine. There is one green led lite as well as two yellow leds lite ("front & rear" designated on silk screening on PCB). I have not begun to disassemble front control panel/keypad assembly at this point. Without a schematic or service manual I may have performed all troubleshooting common sense would dictate. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, DaveReply


9 years ago
need part info

anyone have the part number list for this unit, maybe a service manual, or better yet, I need a tach sensor and or part number. any help greatly appreciated!

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[list]    The ultimate balance of high performance and high throughput    [*] Accommodates all Avanti J rotors*, forces to 82,000 x g (26,000 rpm)    [*] Six-liter batch throughput for bacterial and cell membrane isolation at forces up 15,900 x g, using the J-LITE JLA-8.1000 rotor    [*] DNA sample prep capability with up to 24 microplates with the AllSpin JS-5.3 Rotor    [*] 3 liter and 4 liter swinging-bucket rotors               Fast and Efficient    [*] Fastest accel and decel times with exclusive SR Drive technology    [*] Low heat output and low energy consumption    [/list]


Height34 in
Length 34 in
Weight640 lbs
Maximum Speed26000 rpm
Width28 in

Additional Specifications

[list]    Accel/Decel Rates 2/3            Set Temp Range (1° increments) -10 to 40°C            Temp Control + 2° of set temperature            Speed Control + 10 rpm of set speed or 0.1%, whichever is greater            Ambient Temp Range 16° to 38°C            Drive Type Cooling SRDrive / Air Cooled      Power Usage Heat Output 2.0 kW / 6900 Btu/hr      [/list]

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