Mindray - BS-400
A floor-standing, discrete and random access clinical chemistry analyzer offering a constant 400 tests per hour.FORUMSView All (5)
1Reply8 years ago | 10PSI out of range Can anyone tell me the possible causes of above mentioned error in mindray bs400? Reply |
0Replies10 years ago | calibration and running controls How do I run controls and do calibrations on a mindry BS400 Chemistry analyzer.and how would I know that the machine is well calibrated? Reply |
1Reply10 years ago | Trouble shooting I have mindray BS-400 analyser. Total bilirubin Q.C values are out of 3SD. The Q.C used is multi control sera N and i calibrated it with multi callibrator provided by mindray. but still the values are more than 3SD. how do i solve this problem Reply |
[list] [*] Constant 400 tests per hour, up to 640 tests per hour with ISE (K, Na, Cl, Li) [*] 24-hour refrigeration for reagent tray [*] Reusable cuvettes with auto-washing station [*] Two independent mixing stirrers [*] Clot detection and crash protection (vertical & horizontal) [*] Reversed grating system with 12 wavelengths [*] Built-in bar code scanner [*] Pre-dilution and post-dilution for sample [*] Bi-directional LIS interface [/list]