Verathon - BladderScan BVM 9500
Noninvasive, Accurate, Reliable, Easy to Use.The BladderScan BVM 9500 is designed to assist urologists in the diagnosis of bladder dysfunction, including benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and bladder outlet obstruction (BOO). The BladderScan BVM 9500, with patent-pending NeuralHarmonics technology, is a portable, noninvasive 3D ultrasound instrument.
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2Replies10 years ago | Can anyone tell me the costs associated with repairing the scanner Reply |
1Reply11 years ago | Needs My group would like to buy the BVM 9500 U/S machine. Any for sale ? Reply |
2Replies11 years ago | Sales I need to purchase 2-3 BVM 9500s for my Urology office. Please keep me posted. Does any one know that the code 76857 is being paid by Medicare on a consistent basis ? Reply |
[list] [*] Noninvasively measures urinary bladder volume and post-void residual (PVR), and ultrasound-estimated bladder weight (UEBW) [*] Precision aiming ability via console or probe [*] Distinct bladder volume scan modes for men and women [*] Voice annotation for exams to ensure valuable patient/exam data is retained [*] Onboard printer for patient records or reimbursement procedures [*] View and save exams easily, creating EMRs for your patients [*] Calibration and software upgrades may be performed online [*] Measures bladder volume and UEBW noninvasively [*] Helps diagnose urinary retention and evaluate common urological problems [*] Helps differentiate between types of incontinence to determine appropriate care [*] Prevents unnecessary catheterization [*] Helps reduce rates of urinary tract infection [*] Helps monitor post-operative recovery [*] Fast and easy to use [/list]
Additional Specifications
[list] Bladder volume range: 0 to 999 ml Bladder volume range for UEBW: 150 to 400 ml Accuracy: ± 15%, ± 15 ml UEBW accuracy: ± 10%, ± 3 g [/list]