Stryker - Advantage 1501
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0Replies7 years ago | Interchangeable wheels I have an old 1501 stryker stretcher that I can not find wheels for by the part # unless I buy from stryker. Are the wheels interchangeable with other newer models? They all look the same but I know axle bolt and caster shaft could be different.. I can't find the specs for them. Reply |
11Replies11 years ago | MAnuals I am looking for a parts Manual for the 1501 Stretchers. Anyone have it? Reply |
[list] [*] Flexible stretcher design with 26" or 29" patient surface can be configured to best suit your department's needs [*] Steel-ring brakes with optional four-sided brake controls ensure a firmly-locked working surface [*] Standard locking caster steering for better traction and cornering [/list]
Height | 35.5 in High, Low-22 |
Length | 83 in |
Width | 34.5 in |