Stryker - 16L
High Flow InsufflatorThe Stryker 16L High Flow Insufflator is a compact and durable endoscopic tool with precise pressure measurment to 31 mm Hg and a selection of three gas flow rates for optimal operation. This device has four digital displays that indicate desired pressure, actual pressure, current flow rate, and volume of C02 consumed. Interruption of operation is processed by the Start/Stop button.
FORUMSView All (5)
0Replies9 years ago | pressure valve problem in 16l insuffletor how to check pressure valve in 16l insuffl. and how to kelibret the pressure ? Reply |
0Replies9 years ago | no output gas Dear sir, Their is no output gas pressure for 16l insfflator.what is the problem ? either the circuit board or pressure valve ? their are two no. of board inside. one board is power supply with microproccessor and other board is out for co2 gas . thanking you, bakul mistry Reply |
0Replies9 years ago | not initialize First power on, after 6 seconds aprroximately all displays shut off. Can somebody help me?? Reply |
[list] [*] 360 x 150 x 300 mm dimensions [*] 9kg weight [*] Insufflation Medium : C02 [*] 80 bar bottle pressure [/list]
Weight | 9 kg |
Additional Specifications
Insuffation Rate: [list] [*] rate 1: approx. 1.2 L/min [*] rate 2: approx. 6.0 L/min [*] rate 3: approx. 16.0 L/min [/list] Working Pressure: [list] [*] 0 - 31 mm Hg, continuously variable, preselectable and limitable [/list]