Wells Johnson - Aspirator III
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Sets a standard of excellence in aspirators.The Wells Johnson Aspirator III sets a standard of excellence in aspirators. It is one of the most powerful pumps on the market and ideal for large volume procedures. Its quiet operation and maintenance free care makes it ideal. The pumps are arranged in parallel, rather than in a series. If one pump should fail, the others will keep running.
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1Reply13 years ago | Wells Johnson Aspirator 3 Fan I am looking for a fan for a Wells Johnson Aspirator 3. Do you know of any companies that may sale this product? [i]Asked by Lorenzo H via the MedWrench facebook page[/i]Reply |
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Additional Specifications
Volume: 6.5 cubic feet/minute Vacuum level: 29+ in. Hg Pump style: 2 two-cylinder piston pumps in-line Power:2/3 horsepower Noise level: 50+/-2 decibals