Medivators - CER Series
by Medivators

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Compact Endoscope Reprocessor designed to quickly reprocess one or two immersible endoscopes per cycle. The CER features simple, push-button operation, and a large reprocessing basin for disinfecting any size endoscope (including EUS endoscopes), and a small footprint for countertop or mobile cart use. Reprocessor capabilities include a user-selectable wash cycle for endoscope cleaning, an alcohol purge port, and automated air drying of endoscope channels. A fully gasketed lid contains disinfectant vapors, and the CER's unique design self-disinfects internal fluid lines during every cycle. A two-stage water filtration system reduces particulate matter and provides certified bacteria-free water for endoscope rinsing. The CER includes heated disinfectant reservoir, water pre-filtration system, alcohol flushing tubing, accessory bag, and one set of water filters.

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10 years ago
LCG Level Fail on CER-2

During the LCG phase, once the disinfectant fills the basin the LCG level fail alarm goes off.  I've checked the disenfecant level and it's fine so I took the cover off the sensor after I drained the basin and manually lifted the floater portion up and the water did not stop so I'm guessing the water level sensor is broken?  Is there anything else I should try?



[list]    [*] Compact, cost-effective endoscope reprocessing featuring simple, push-button operation    [*] Fast cycle time for quick endoscope turnaround    [*] Individual endoscope channel connections ensure disinfectant and rinse water contact with all channels    [*] Pre-programmed cycles for reprocessing cycle repeatability and consistency    [*] CER-1 model disinfects one endoscope per cycle    [*] CER-2 model disinfects up to two endoscopes per cycle    [*] Gasket lid and sealed reservoir contain disinfectant vapors    [*] Alcohol flush and air drying of endoscopes    [*] Audible and visual alarms for reprocessing cycle deficiency    [*] Assures patient and operator safety    [*] Self-disinfects internal fluid lines during every cycle    [*] Bacteria retentive two-stage water filtration system    [*] Compatible with all current models of endoscopes, including those with elevator wire channels    [*] For use with most FDA-cleared reusable high-level disinfectants    [*] Vapor management system, disinfectant transfer pump, neutralization system and mobile cart optional    [/list]

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