Philips - Avalon CTS
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Feta/Maternal monitor
The Avalon Cordless Transducer System (CTS) helps transform labor and delivery, offering mothers and care teams the flexibility they seek by allowing comfortable, continuous fetal and maternal monitoring with exceptional mobility. Avalon CTS helps provide a constant and clear picture of patient status for confident decision-making. Designed to give greater freedom of movement during labor and more choice in birthing positions, it provides the information you need right when you need it.
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0Replies8 years ago | ERROR E1 in the CTS station i have ERROR E1 in the CTS station , and smetimes error E1 in the transducers Reply |
3Replies10 years ago | Service Tool Cable for Philips Avalon CTS Does anybody have this cable ? I would make one piece so it would be nice if somebody could provide me diagram of this cable. I need it just for one use so it is not cost effective buy it . Reply |
- Advanced communications technology enables uninterrupted data transmission
- Smart cordless transducers are lightweight, waterproof, and provide greater comfort
- Transducer plug and play with automatic screen layout allows focus on patient care, not the system
- Status indicators and bed identifier are easy to use
- Seamlessly connects to Philips fetal monitors and OB TraceVue to allow fast and confident decision-making