GE HealthCare - 4C-RS
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Ultrasound Transducer
GE’s 4C-RS convex array ultrasound probe transducer. This curved array probe is compatible with the GE Voluson portable ultrasound series. With a frequency range of 2-5 MHz., this transducer can be utilized for OB-GYN, abdominal, vascular, musculoskeletal, spine and urological imaging.
Additional Specifications
Probe Specificities:
- Convex Array
- Curved Array
- 2-6 MHz.
Imaging Capabilities:
- Obstetrics
- Gynecology
- Abdominal
- Vascular
- Urology
- Musculoskeletal
- Spine
Compatible Ultrasound Systems:
- GE LogiqBook Xp
- GE Logiq e
- GE Vivid i
- GE Vivid Q
- GE Voluson i
- GE Volsuon e