GE HealthCare - 4D16L
by GE HealthCare

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Wide band linear volume ultrasound transducer.

The GE 4D16L is used with small parts, peripheral, vascular, MSK and pediatric applications. This transducer probe has a frequency range of 4.5 to 16 Mhz and is compatible with the Logiq series ultrasound systems.

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10 years ago
oil leakage in the probe.


I have a 4D16L 4D GE ultrasound probe. It started leaking oil when pressed. I can see the oil drop coming out. I also can see a bubble moving inside.

Does any body know if it is worth repairing ?

or is it easy to repair myself ? is it a complicated process ? can anybody provide me with some documents that can help ?

Thanks in advance.



[list]  [*] Wide band probe  [*] Frequency range: 4.5-16.0 MHz  [/list]


Frequency Range4.5 to 16 MHz
Clinical ApplicationsSmall Parts
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