GE HealthCare - Corometrics 115
by GE HealthCare

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The Corometrics 115 fetal monitor is capable of monitoring two heart rates simultaneousley (maternal & fetal or twin fetuses). The numeric display is located conveniently on the front panel and the unit automatically prints the specific operating mode.

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10 years ago
TOCO Adjustment

I have replace the board on a Nautilus TOCO and found the calibration procedure but can not find the test point TP2 and TP9. Anyone know where they are?



[list]          [*] Designed for ECG and maternal uterine contraction monitoring.          [*] Simultaneous trends of beat-to-beat fetal heart rate (ECG) and uterine activity (UA) are plotted continuously on the built-in dual channel strip chart recorder.          [*] ECG data is continuously displayed on the front-panel          [*] Includes Toco and ultrasound transducers.          [/list]

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