Rigel Medical - 277 Plus
by Rigel Medical

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Universal Automatic Safety Analyser

The Rigel 277 Plus is a portable medical electrical safety analyser combining IEC/EN 60601-1 compliance with additional test facilities for IEC/EN 61010 (Laboratory Equipment) including Touch Leakage, Voltage Measurement and dedicated IEC 61010 Measuring Device (Body Model).            Customised test routines can be created to meet local standards and variants of safety test standards. The Rigel 277 Plus safety analyser performs manual, automatic and semi automatic test routines allowing full control of power up and power down sequence, thus reducing the overall test times.            The Rigel 277 Plus boasts a large full graphics display, internal memory, QWERTY keyboard and printer making this a completely stand alone medical safety analyser

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4 years ago
Alter Kalibrationdate
Hello, how can I alter the next calibration date. As far as I know, I can enter the menu with the "c"-key, but not more?Reply


-Bilal Javed
6 years ago
Signs in view reults
Dear Admin, Would you please help me to know the meaning of sings like ( E - R -), ( - N R -), (- N - -), ( - - R -), ( - - - -), ( E - - -), (- - R -), (- - R SR) in view results, you can contact me on mr.bilaljaved@gmail.com in case you want to share any document. Regards, BilalReply


[list]      [*] IEC / EN 60601-1 / 61010      [*] On-board printer and memory      [*] 0.1 to 25A Earthbond current      [/list]


Height160 mm
Length 400 mm
Weight9 kg
Analyzer/Simulator TypeElectrical Safety
Width320 mm
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