Siemens - ADVIA Centaur CP
A high-throughput benchtop system that enhances your in-house immunoassay test capability.The ADVIA Centaur CP System is an immunoassay test instrument for mid-volume labs. Its broad menu lets users both expand and consolidate – by bringing a wide range of assays to one workstation, eliminating redundant systems. The ADVIA Centaur CP System is easy to operate, increases efficiency and streamlines workflow. It offers the excellent sensitivity and specificity expected from direct chemiluminescence technology.
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0Replies10 months ago | Demographic Data imput option dissapear HI, In our equipment, we were previously able to input the patient's demographic information but are now unable to do so. The person using the equipment only changed the language and enabled the quality control option. We attempted to switch the language back to its original setting and disable the quality control component, but the option for patient's demographic information just dissapeared. Now we could only input the ID What could be some possible solutions to this issue? Reply |
1Reply8 years ago | In search of Centaur XP Parts List I am in need of a parts list for the XP, more specifically which parts it has that differs from the Centaur Classic. Any help will be much appreciated! Reply |
1Reply8 years ago | Looking for information on interference of lithium heparin for tests on Centaur and Vista Interested in knowing if lithium heparin interferes with the following tests: FETO, C2729, CEA, CORT, PTHI, PROG Thank you for any assistance Reply |
- The fast throughput users need with a mid-volume immunoassay system.
- Uninterrupted system processing when loading samples, reagents, and consumables.
- Supports STAT samples as well as test prioritization of routine samples.
- Advanced features such auto dilution, reflex, and reruns without operator intervention.
- Takes ready-to-use reagents straight from the refrigerator, the same reagents as the ADVIA Centaur XP System.
Throughput | 180 samples/hr |
Reaction Time | 15 min |
Additional Specifications
Assays on board: 15 Total assay capability: 100