Abbott - ARCHITECT i4000SR
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Immunoassay System
The ARCHITECT i4000SR is uniquely designed for high-speed immunoassay testing with increased sample and reagent capacity. The ARCHITECT i4000SR immunoassay analyzer is the latest member of the ARCHITECT Family of instruments, sharing all the proven benefits of other members of the Family.
- Users benefit from the seamless transfer from system to system.
- Equivalent results across all ARCHITECT i Systems
- Identical technology, reagents and assay protocols
- Identical software that is intuitive to operate
- Universal ARCHITECT sample carrier
- Users benefit from a unique approach to consolidation.
- No clinically significant sample tube to tube carryover (less than 0.1 ppm)
- Robotic Sample Handler (RSH) eliminates bottlenecks and prioritizes urgent requests
- Immediate STAT processing for fast and consistent turnaround time
- Up to 50 refrigerated reagent positions
- Continuous sample access loading of up to 285 samples via priority (35) and routine (250) areas
- Throughput of up to 400 immunoassay tests per hour
- Users benefit from the latest in immunoassay technology.
- CHEMIFLEX technology delivers flexible assay protocols with superior detection and extended linear ranges
- Up to 50 color-coded, refrigerated onboard reagent positions and flexible kit sizes of 100 or 500 tests provide high reagent test capacity of up to 25,000 tests to optimize walkaway time
- Liquid level sensing combined with pressure differential technology for enhanced bubble and clot detection ensures accurate sampling