Stryker - 1188
by Stryker

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HD Autoclavable 3-Chip Camera

With nine preset surgical specialties and the ability to display both HDTV and HD aspect ratios from one camera system, the 1188 High Definition Autoclavable 3-Chip camera continues to offer optimum surgical images and standardization within the OR.

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8 months ago
Purchase of parts


Could anyone recommend a website to purchase the on-off button for the 1188 HD Stryker processor?

Equipment: Stryker - 1188 HD



9 years ago
Stryker 1188 Camera and Console Service Manual

Our hospital bought a secondhand laparoscopy system consisting of the following items:

X8000 Light source

1188 HD camera and console

PneumoSure 45L Insufflator

Thanks to this site, I have been able to download the manuals for the insufflator and light source, but I cannot seem to find the service manuals for the camera system anwhere in the Internet. Can someone post a link? Thanks in advance



10 years ago
light source

Hello, I have a problem with my light source, it won't change from standby ton run, It stays in standby.



[list]    [*] Dual aspect ratio: HDTV and HD    [*] Laser welded titanium seal design    [*] Optimum surgical brightness    [*] Seamless integration with existing video equipment    [*] Four programmable buttons for easy control    [/list]

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