Benson Medical - CCS-200
The CCS-200 Spirometer produces accurate and repeatable spirograms for use in NIOSH-compliant programs. The single-use disposable mouthpiece mounts easily and securely in the handle and is removed after testing by the press of a button without contact. The rugged handle is made of ABS plastic and is comfortable to hold. Included operating software for Windows® leads the operator through the testing process by determining repeatability, grading the maneuvers, and detecting artifacts and errors. The CCS-200 uses state-of-the-art ultrasonic sensors to ensure accuracy with every maneuver as well as over the lifetime of the instrument. Noteworthy features include flow/volume and volume/time graphs, spirogram interpretations, and numerous predicted sets. The removal of used mouthpieces without contact allows for a streamlined testing process, as does a step-by-step automated calibration check using a 3-liter syringe with 1-, 3- and 6-second flows. The CCS-200 determines FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC%, and other indices needed in spirometry, and uses the same database as Benson Medical audiometers. It comes with a one-year warranty.
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1Reply5 years ago | date change is there a quick procedure for a date change one the unit?Reply |
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Benson Medical: Occupational Spirometry Advantages
Benson Medical Instruments’ new CCS-200 spirometer is already recognized as the new standard in occupational spirometry, combining pulmonary function and hearing conservation databases for greater efficiency.