Benson Medical - BAS-200
BIO-ACOUSTIC SIMULATORThe BAS-200 Bio-Acoustic Simulator performs dependable daily calibration checks of the audiometer as required by OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95. Because the BAS-200 is powered by the Benson Medical Instruments audiometer, there is no need to worry about battery life. Connecting the hand switch to the BAS-200 returns the system to subject testing. The BAS-200's advanced design simplifies the daily check and offers greater reliability compared to battery-powered units.
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1Reply11 years ago | bas 200 looses power with handswitch attached The BAS 200 is loosing power as soon as the input jack touches both prongs in the plug. I believe there is a wiring issue but I cannot find a wiring diagram to back that up. If anyone has any input I'd greatly appreciate it Reply |
[list] [*] Quick and accurate daily calibration check as required by OSHA. [*] Uses no batteries: Power is supplied from the Benson Medical Instruments audiometer. [*] Place on tabletop or mount on wall of test booth. [*] No need to remove from system when performing subject testing. [*] Works with standard earphones and audiocups. [*] Software-compatible. [/list]