Bayer - Clinitek Status
by Bayer

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Urine Analyzer 

The Bayer Clinitek Status® Urine Analyzer is an ideal solution for high-standard urinalysis testing. It is capable of providing accurate on-the-spot semi-quantitative results in 1 minute, and requires minimum operation training. The Bayer Clinitek Status® can also be connected to a PC thru its RS-232 serial port. Programmed to surmount most probable human imprecisions with its state-of-the-art automation and visually-read results, the Clinitek Status® offers outstanding accuracy and reliability using both industry-standard Multistix® and special cassettes. This Bayer Urine Analyzer is also capable of performing pregnancy tests using the new Clinitest® hCG system. Moreover, it features the new Clinitek® Microalbumin which enables detection of kidney abnormalities before they turn into fatal diseases.

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3 years ago
I can't reset the old ID. Please tell me how to do this? to install a new operator.
I can't reset the old ID. Please tell me how to do this? to install a new operator.Reply


5 years ago
Can you replace the printer on this unit? The printer itself is fine, the motor for the paper feed is wearing out and wont feed at the correct speed. The gears on the roller and motor are fine.Reply


6 years ago
Clinitek Status Plus Analyser
Please could someone let me know how I can get a download copy of a manual for a Clinitek Status Plus Analyser? I need it to check the calibration start using it ASAP. Thanks Reply


  • Intuitive touch screen 
  • PC compatibility
  • Clinitest® hCG
  • Clinitek® Microalbumin
  • On-the-spot semi-quantitative results in 1 minute 
  • State-of-the-art automation and visually-read results

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