Spacelabs - BleaseSirius
The BleaseSirius sets new standards for reliability, consistency, stability and performance in anesthesia delivery and ventilation.The small footprint, central brake and strategically placed handles allow BleaseSirius to be easily moved and locked into position even when fully loaded. Monitors mount easily on the side brackets leaving an uncluttered top shelf for extra storage. A large work surface with directional lighting and the unique motion activated Da-lites provide ample illuminated working surfaces. Every operating room has unique needs. Several options of deep and shallow drawer combinations, all lockable, allow optimum storage. With all essentials for scavenging and suction built into the design as standard, essential costly additions do not need to be purchased later on.
FORUMSView All (3)
0Replies5 years ago | Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) protcol Hello everyone, I'm looking for the SDLC protocol for BleaseSirius. We have some trouble communicating with the device. Best regardsReply |
0Replies8 years ago | blease 8700 error ""vent inop 0.20"" whenever i switch on the machine , and start the ventilation it shows vent inop .20. if i reset the alarm...... ventilation continues for a few breath and after that the error reoccurs any help would me much appreciated Reply |
0Replies8 years ago | blease 8700 error ""vent inop 0.20"" Reply |
SERVICE COMPANIESView All Anesthesia Gas Machine Companies
[list] [*] Performance: Easy to use, easy to move. [*] Choice: Adapt the equipment to your patients and procedures. [*] Ventilation: Precision Pressure Control™ and Advanced Pressure Support™ completes your ventilation portfolio. [*] Vaporization: Proven performance and reliability. [/list]
Height | 57.6 in |
Length | 30 in |
Scavenger | Active, Passive, or Open |
Weight | 253.5 lbs unpacked |
Vaporizer Type | Electronic control |
Vent Modes | Volume Control (VCV), Precision Pressure Control™ (PPCV™), manual (bag) |
Width | 27.6 in |
FDA AlertsView All
Class 1 Recall: Spacelabs Healthcare, Inc., Spacelabs Anesthesia...
here is a potential defect in the CAS I/II Absorber products employed in the BleaseSirius Anesthesia Workstation, BleaseFocus Anesthesia Workstation, and Service Kits Part Number 050-0659-00 and 050-0901-00.
Class 1 Recall: Spacelabs Medical, Inc., Spacelabs Anesthesia...
These products are used in the hospital environment and in locations not requiring mobility of the products.