Toshiba - IME-100L
by Toshiba

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Toshiba Mobile X-ray IME-100L

Mobile X-ray unit are moved around hospitals all the time to perform radiography on patients who cannot easily get to an X-ray room. What makes a system environment-friendly and easy-to-use? To address these issues, Toshiba has kept the basics in mind, while advancing the development of motor-driven, high-performance systems. Now, Toshiba has the answer in the IME-100L.    The Toshiba IME-100L is a mobile x-ray solution used for performing radiographic examinations for patients who cannot easily get to an x-ray room. It is designed to be easy to move around hospitals and flexible pantograph arm movement with a wide range of rotation ensures smooth examinations and optimal positioning. Furthermore, This x-ray system is absolute suitable to function as a back-up unit for emergency.

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3 years ago
service manual
can I get Toshiba IME 100L service manual Pdf?Reply


4 years ago
Service manual
Hi, friends can anyone help send me service manual or circuit diagram for Toshiba IME100L.. My email is


4 years ago
error 95 IME-100L
Saludos quien ha tenido el error 95 en un equipo toshiba IME-100L Reply


[list]            Wheel-guided motion            Large wheels and wheel-guided motion allow operators to overcome floor gradients with less manual force.                        Wheel step            This step is easy to tread on, and has sufficient clearance above the floor. The safety design eliminates the risk of a foot being caught between the step and the floor, even in the wheel-guided setting.                        Bumper            A bumper the same width as the cart is provided at the front of the equipment, to alleviate the shock caused by possible collisions.                        Corner guide            This allows you to confirm the position of the bumpers while the equipment is in motion, and helps in navigating narrow spaces.                        Deadman-type brake            A deadman-type brake is employed. If the handle is released, the brake will be applied automatically. A slight handle movement causes deceleration while in motion.                        Brake elimination            You can choose a brake-free condition. Thus, you can easily position the equipment while moving the main assembly.                        Pantograph-type arm            A well-balanced, lock-free arm is employed. It eliminates time-consuming arm lock procedures for positioning, ensuring more speedy positioning.                        Handgrips            These allow you to swivel and rotate the X-ray tube with less manual force.                        Vertical rotation of X-ray tube            The X-ray tube can be rotated vertically by ±90º, and easily positioned for lateral-view radiography.                        Swiveling of the X-ray tube            The X-ray tube assembly can be swiveled forward by -15º through +90º. Handgrip manipulation maintains the orientation of the X-ray port irrespective of the height of the arm.                        Large wheels            Large 40-cm diameter wheels are employed. These are combined with free-castor-type front wheels to ensure quietness and ease of movement.            [/list]

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