Puritan Bennett - 590
Puritan Bennett 590 Oxygen ConcentratorThe Puritan Bennett 590 Oxygen Concentrator takes normal room air and, using a series of sieves, filters, and a compressor, removes the Nitrogen from the air, thereby increasing the oxygen content of the resulting air to up to 96%. They are used by patients with chronic respiratory ailments. The resulting concentrated oxygen is then delivered via an output tube from the unit to either an oxygen mask, tracheotomy mask or connector, or to a nasal cannula.
FORUMSView All (2)
5Replies4 years ago | Opening the housing Hi, I am using a Puritan Bennett 590 to supply oxygen for melting glass, so not for medical purposes. I need to check the hose connection nut inside the unit, but cannot get the housing open. I have removed the screw located at the base of the unit, but it will not release towards the top. Am I missing another screw somewhere. How do I get it open please?Reply |
0Replies9 years ago | PB 590 low o2 concentration alarm My Puritan Bennett 590 starts up OK, but then kicks off after 5 minutes with a low O2 concentration alarm. The filters seem fine, I've replaced all the hoses and there are no leaks. What else could be wrong? Thanks! Reply |
SERVICE COMPANIESView All Oxygen Concentrator Companies
Height | 25.4 in |
Length | 16.5 in |
Weight | 59 lbs |
Width | 12.5 in |
Additional Specifications
Power: 120 VAC, 60Hz, 3.3 amps, 400 watts Flowrate: 0-5 lpm with .25 liter increments