Draeger - Alarm Management Solutions
The Dräger Alarm Management Solution can help you meet the NPSG, support patient safety, and increase staff efficiency.Clinicians are becoming increasingly desensitized to alarms due to their overwhelming volume – resulting in missed alarms and delayed responses. Alarm fatigue has such an impact on patient safety and clinical efficiency that the Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG 06.01.01) has mandated that hospitals establish policies and procedures for managing clinical alarms. But many hospitals are unsure of where to start. The Dräger Alarm Management Solution can help you meet the NPSG, support patient safety, and increase staff efficiency.
Dräger simplifies the development of an alarm management solution by using a process that has been used successfully in hospitals across the country.
Regardless of the size of your hospital, Dräger can help you identify and quantify your alarm conditions and generate reports that can help you make evidence-based decisions as you develop an alarm management plan to meet the NPSG.
[*] All data in one place
[*] Customized, fully scalable solutions One-stop alarm management solution
[*] Alarm auditing and reporting: to gather and share core information
[*] Alarm consulting expertise: to determine requirements
[*] Alarm management plan development: to meet the NPSG
[*] Plan implementation: to change the way people deal with alarms [/list]