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Slide Stainer/Prep Forums
I have an issue with this machine and I hope someone might be able to help me.
When I turn on the machine, the display gives a very short flash of light but that's it, no further action. Does anyone know what this is? The manual doesn't cover this and I've checked all the logical options (fuses, properly plugged in etc)
Leica Autostainer XL (ST5010) emits a continuous audible alarm sound, immediately after power up, and an exclamation mark (and a blinking cursor) is on the LCD screen. It does not react to any key presses.
Has anyone seen this issue? I am guessing that it is the main PCB, but wondered if a failed battery-backed RAM with RTC clock chip could (DS1243Y+120) could be responsible.
Leica ST5020 Multistainer - solenoid rebuild kits. Has anyone ordered/used Leica solenoid rebuild kits? The Leica parts list has a solenoid valve service kit, p/n 14047539613. It does not specify whether this is individually, or it is a kit to service all six solenoids.
I guess this is moot - Leica Biosystems just told me, after having given me the price ($1342), that it has been discontinued. Have any of you had good success just cleaning these solenoids?
Equipment: Sakura - Tissue-Tek DRS 2000
RE: Sakura - Tissue-Tek DRS 2000Equipment: drs2000
RE: Sakura - Tissue-Tek DRS 2000