Spectrometer, Laboratory Forums

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Hi there - does anyone know where I can find software to operate the LKB Ultraspec II? Or, a Perkin Elmer Lambda 2??? thankyou sincerely in advance if you can point me in the right direction.

RE: Pharmacia LKB - LKB Biochrom ULTROSPEC II
0 Replies

I need service manual for my du720 spectrophotometer that stops at 40% system diagnostic level.

RE: Beckman Coulter - DU 720
0 Replies

I need service manual for my du720 spectrophotometer that stops at 40% system diagnostic level.

RE: Beckman Coulter - DU 720
Added  Jul 13 2022
0 Replies

Hi! I am looking for a way to validate the results of the spectrophotometer are accurate. We have two device, the pharmacia Ultrospec III and the DR2010 HACH. Do you know any filters or methods that could help to demontrate that the devices are accurate. Thank you for your time!

RE: Pharmacia LKB - Ultrospec 2000
Added  Sep 24 2021
0 Replies

Hello, after replacement of the tungsten lamp, the calibration fails at step 3. Does anybody know what this means? It would maybe already help if the user manual was available in total, as the section 5 with error messages is missing in the uploaded pdf file. Thanks a lot for your help.

RE: Pharmacia LKB - LKB Biochrom ULTROSPEC II
Updated  Dec 24 2019
1 Reply

Please send me user manual in pdf English version

RE: Analytik Jena - ZEEnit 700
Updated  Aug 13 2019
1 Reply

I just purchased a Spec 20 which reads100 % absorption. Where do I start in the repair / diagnosis process?

RE: Bausch & Lomb - Spectronic 20
Updated  Jun 17 2017
1 Reply

What is the cause of the following error message: Water cooler flow is low

RE: Analytik Jena - ZEEnit 700
0 Replies

we need service manual of the said subject Ultrospec 2000

thank you.

RE: Pharmacia LKB - Ultrospec 2000
1 Reply


after turn on the machine, its showed "self-check stopped,please check the lamp" what's the problem?

RE: Beckman Coulter - DU-730

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