Treadmill Forums
So, during the exercise it is showing on the screen, for example 92 % MAX HR. However, when the report prints, it reads, 79% MAX HR..... I am looking to see it there is a setting or something that can be changed to fix this so it matches...
RE: Cardiac Science - Quinton Q-StressHow to get code
Equipment: Cardiac Science - Quinton TM55 & TM65 Treadmill
RE: Cardiac Science - Quinton TM55 & TM65 TreadmillPlease helm
Equipment: Cardiac Science - Quinton TM55 & TM65 Treadmill
RE: Cardiac Science - Quinton TM55 & TM65 TreadmillLast time I dealt with this I believe it was related to certain stop button being used. Any other solutions? Thanks
RE: GE HealthCare - T2100[7963] no communiction with ergometer /treadmile
Equipment: Cardiac Science - Quinton TM55 & TM65 Treadmill
RE: Cardiac Science - Quinton TM55 & TM65 TreadmillCan the Quinton Q-Stress be programmed to capture a 12-Lead ECG q1min x 5min's in the recovery phase (after the Treadmill)
RE: Cardiac Science - Quinton Q-Stresshi!! is possible conect hasp module to usb port? i want change the istem to all in one computer!!
Equipment: Cardiac Science - Quinton Q-Stress
RE: Cardiac Science - Quinton Q-StressMachine is showing error message " Device driver software was not successfully installed"
How can I resolve this issue?
RE: Cardiac Science - Quinton Q-StressEquipment: Cardiac Science - Quinton Q55
RE: Cardiac Science - Quinton Q55