Bladder Scanner Forums
I purchased a used Scanner 700 and need to match my existing probe but keep getting error code E008.
RE: Medline - BioCon CUBEscan 700Biocon 750 not starting but the light is lit. Can anyone tell me how to approach this issue?
Equipment: BioCon 750
RE: Medline - BioCon 750Does anyone know how to set the system to default to a MALE patient instead of the option to choose when powered on?
RE: Medline - BioCon 750Does anyone have a simple solution to prevent the charging cable from falling out of the side of the scanner? I am meaning the small dc cord not the power cord. Easily the biggest problem that we see with this unit is the "battery not holding a charge" which have all been due to the cable not being attached and the staff not noticing. These are mounted on a roll stand and not removed ever so a fixed solution would probably be ok.
RE: Medline - BioCon CUBEscan 700Equipment: Laborie Medical - Portascan 3D Bladder Scanner
RE: Laborie Medical - Portascan 3D Bladder ScannerBuongiorno a tutti, ho questo scanner vescicale biocon 900 che una volta acceso non si avvia ma rimane sulla schermata con la dicitura cubescan. qualcuno ha dei consigli da darmi per risolvere?