Valleylab - Force FX-C
Valleylab Force FX-C Forums
Equipment: Valleylab - Force FX-C
RE: Valleylab - Force FX-CEquipment: Valleylab Force FX-8C Mono-polar/Bipolar Diathermy Units
RE: Valleylab - Force FX-CEquipment: Valleylab - Force FX-C
RE: Valleylab - Force FX-CI have this problem and already read the service manual but doesn't have the transformer or inductive resistors. I have the fluke 454A but doesn't have the 30 ohms resistant option, with 100 and 500 would be enough? The error 16 starts when put on the plate on the patient.
Also read in the forum that could be "Scaling relays in the control board", how can I probe them? I doesn't have another Force Fx.
Some days ago I made the REM calibration because the equipment was showing green REM alarm when plug in the plate even without patient. Also the trouble that made the hospital call me was that the equipment wasn't turning on right, it had a problem in the initial test. When the lights were on bipolar it started as usual but were restarting the autotest when passing trough cut.
Should I try to fix It or is better just change the equipment with all that issues?
Appreciate any help
Equipment: Valleylab - Force FX-C
RE: Valleylab - Force FX-C