GE HealthCare - Versamed iVent 201
by GE HealthCare

GE HealthCare Versamed iVent 201 Forums

Updated  Jun 29 2020
2 Replies

I cant find what does event num 305 means can anyone help me? Or can tell where to search the error?

RE: GE HealthCare - Versamed iVent 201
Updated  Apr 29 2020
1 Reply

Hellow friends I have a GE ivent 201 respirator and it gives me an error FAILED 21, I have changed the oxygen cell and when I try to calibrate I receive this error, any help to diagnose this failure?  Thanks

RE: GE HealthCare - Versamed iVent 201
Updated  Apr 17 2020
1 Reply

Hola buenas noches, por favor, tengo una falla con el ventilador Versamed IVent 201 no reconoce el sensor de O2, le he cambiando el sensor y he probado en otro equipo donde funciona perfectamente, ya intercambie modulo neumático para descartar mal funcionamiento, evidentemente es un problema en el módulo de control, o Mother BOARD, por favor si alguien ha podido solucionar esta falla y me pudieran ayudar le estaría muy agradecido

RE: GE HealthCare - Versamed iVent 201
Updated  Apr 7 2020
1 Reply

hola buenas noches me pueden ayudar con el manual de servicio del respirador GE Health care - Versamed ivent 201 , mi correo , muchisimas gracias

RE: GE HealthCare - Versamed iVent 201
1 Reply

unit failing oxygen valve leak fi02 21 % failing can bad o2 cell cause this issue

RE: GE HealthCare - Versamed iVent 201
Added  Sep 25 2019
0 Replies

it keeps failing the Patient Pressure & Blower pressure verification. Is there anything I can do besides calibrating it over and over?

RE: GE HealthCare - Versamed iVent 201
Updated  Aug 7 2019
1 Reply

Looking for the part number for the internal pneumatic tubing. Can't seem to find a reference from any of the manuals. Your help is much appreciated.

RE: GE HealthCare - Versamed iVent 201

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Equipment Name: GE HealthCare - Versamed iVent 201
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