Tecan - Infinite F200
by Tecan

Tecan Infinite F200 Forums

Added  Feb 10 2021
0 Replies

I'm getting the following error when I try to run Absorbance, Fluorescence Intensity and Fluorescence Polarization scripts with a Tecan F200. I do not get the error when I run Luminescense or Luminescence Dual Color scripts. Command: "PREPARE REF" Returned answer: "ERR030: Prepare:ReferencChannel: Gain: 255, Counts: 7412" (Tecan.At.Instrument.Common) The script will run through the gain optimization and then drop out and show the above error. The manual is no help since it says, "Unspecific Hardware failure. Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office." Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

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