GE HealthCare - BrightSpeed Series
by GE HealthCare

GE HealthCare BrightSpeed Series Forums

3 Replies

I need Jedi STD HV TANK, Number 2214527

Equipment: GE HealthCare - BrightSpeed Series

RE: GE HealthCare - BrightSpeed Series
Updated  Dec 28 2022
1 Reply

HVDC did not charge correctly in the allotted time Error code is 260100093 Gantry back down side semi conductor fuse 700V blown .So we replaced But again error code 260100093 is coming Expert’s please guide me how to solve the issue

Equipment: GE Healthcare - BrightSpeed Series

RE: GE HealthCare - BrightSpeed Series
Updated  Jun 24 2021
2 Replies

Please i got trouble whith tilt of the.ct brigthspeed i need some help about the tilt failure

RE: GE HealthCare - BrightSpeed Series
2 Replies


Error code: 260112001

It gives the error message

Interference updates are too low

Table type : 132897 sides: ox53214 states: 382000

Tilt: 0 mdeg

Elevation: 1 uml Cradle: 0 um

IMS: 340500 umh

The system is not scaning you can use the service switch on the GTCB to move the table up or down but the table will not move up or down when you press the buttons on the gantry cover.

I need help quickly patients are waiting

I have also done table characterization and it passed then I noticed that if you raise the table to the height 239 mm with the switch on the GTCB and press the button on the gantry cover the table will move up but will not go below the 239 mark. I can't even do fastcal


RE: GE HealthCare - BrightSpeed Series
2 Replies

we are humanitarian Doctors working in a war zone of Syria. We have a GE BrightSpeed 4 CT scanner. The device was giving us the following error...


Host:tgp Proc:tgp_subsys Error:260100152 Exception Class:Abort Severity:Secondary File:sclsrService.c Line#:559 Function:System Monitoring :Xray Exposure Interlocks Scan Type: scout scan:257/1/1 Exposure Interlock Opened. The current loop from Gantry to PDU. The cause of the failure: Console Relay


While checking the NGPDU Control Board Switches, we turn on the SW 2MNL HVDC by accident. I don't know how we did that, but now the gentry is not starting up. The sub system on the side of the gentry lights up . the 120 VAC, axial drive and HVDC all light up. But the display on the gentry is not turning on, nor is there any communication between the " scanning hardware " and the computer.

RE: GE HealthCare - BrightSpeed Series
Updated  Sep 3 2020
1 Reply

Hi. We are medics working in a war zone. We don't have skilled engineers. Right now we have a problem. The gentry is not powering up. The sub system on the side of the gentry lights up . the 120 VAC, axial drive and HVDC all light up. But the display on the gentry is not turning on, nor is there any communication between the " scanning hardware " and the computer. Please can you help .

RE: GE HealthCare - BrightSpeed Series
Updated  Aug 17 2017
2 Replies

to what level do you fill a hemit tank? Have some tilting tube spits

RE: GE HealthCare - BrightSpeed Series
Updated  Dec 20 2016
1 Reply


Looking for Valid dongle for GE CT. Ready to buy.

RE: GE HealthCare - BrightSpeed Series
Updated  Aug 9 2016
1 Reply

need manual for install

brightspeed 16 slice


RE: GE HealthCare - BrightSpeed Series
1 Reply

PDU electronic board needing the part number or service manual.

RE: GE HealthCare - BrightSpeed Series

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Equipment Name: GE HealthCare - BrightSpeed Series
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