Arizant - Bair Hugger Model 750
by Arizant

Arizant Bair Hugger Model 750 Forums

Updated  Nov 1 2021
1 Reply

How can I fix this error code issue?

RE: Arizant - Bair Hugger Model 750
Updated  Dec 24 2016
1 Reply

What is the part number and pricing on a power cord? For a 750 Bair Hugger

RE: Arizant - Bair Hugger Model 750
Updated  Sep 4 2014
1 Reply

is this repairable or do I need a new unit?

RE: Arizant - Bair Hugger Model 750
Updated  Jul 7 2014
1 Reply

what does this fault code stand for

RE: Arizant - Bair Hugger Model 750
Updated  Jul 2 2014
2 Replies

How does the Stryker Mistraal-Air compare to the 750/775 Bair Huggers as far as reliabliity, maintenance, and cost.

RE: Arizant - Bair Hugger Model 750
Updated  Jul 10 2013
1 Reply

Dear Sirs:

I appreciate if is possible that you quote me 3 units CONTROL PANEL for the BAIR HUGGER 750.

The Control panel should be with the indications in SPANISH like the below picture. I can not find the part number of the part.

The delivery address is:


1303 N.W. 78th Avenue

Doral,FL 33126-1605



Best regards

Carlos Peraza V


Legal Representative



RE: Arizant - Bair Hugger Model 750
2 Replies

I have a bair hugger that switches itself off intermitently, I think its one of the relays has anyone encountered such a problem?

RE: Arizant - Bair Hugger Model 750
Updated  Aug 31 2012
2 Replies

FC = 007 what error is this?

RE: Arizant - Bair Hugger Model 750

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Equipment Name: Arizant - Bair Hugger Model 750
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