Verathon - BladderScan BVM 9500
by Verathon

Verathon BladderScan BVM 9500 Forums

Updated  Jun 17 2013
1 Reply

My group would like to buy the BVM 9500 U/S machine. Any for sale ?

RE: Verathon - BladderScan BVM 9500
Updated  Jun 30 2015
2 Replies

I need to purchase 2-3 BVM 9500s for my Urology office. Please keep me posted.

Does any one know that the code 76857 is being paid by Medicare on a consistent basis ?


RE: Verathon - BladderScan BVM 9500
Updated  Feb 24 2012
6 Replies

DSP Failed CRC Check - What exactly does this problem mean and how do I rectify it.

RE: Verathon - BladderScan BVM 9500

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Equipment Name: Verathon - BladderScan BVM 9500
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