Philips - IntelliVue MX800
by Philips

Philips IntelliVue MX800 Forums

Updated  Nov 3 2020
3 Replies

I need Philips IntelliVue MX850 and MX750.

RE: Philips - IntelliVue MX800
0 Replies

Hello, does anyone know the procedure for pairing a wireless philips remote to a bedside monitor. I know it's done in service mode. Thanks for your help.

RE: Philips - IntelliVue MX800
Updated  Nov 25 2019
4 Replies

I have CMS that i need to integrate with the Philips - IntelliVue MX800,so that the wavelength and parameters can be seen on my CMS. I have been able to set up the ip address on the Philips - IntelliVue MX800 but am not able or cannot see where i can set my CMS ip address on the Monitor. Is this equipment integratable with other CMS and can i also send the records to PACS

RE: Philips - IntelliVue MX800
Updated  Jan 3 2018
3 Replies

We have significant issue with touch screen accuracy/cal drift of our MX800 touch screens; in the process of validating our cleaning agents. Can anyone recommend a service provider for repair/replacement of the bezel / touch screen assemblies?

RE: Philips - IntelliVue MX800
Added  Dec 2 2016
0 Replies

Are there plans to be able to connect to wireless sensors in the future?

RE: Philips - IntelliVue MX800
Added  May 23 2016
1 Reply

Would it be possible to transfer the config file from the MP700 to the MX800?



RE: Philips - IntelliVue MX800
Updated  Mar 9 2016
3 Replies

I'm trying to split the screen on a Philips MX800 to run two different units at one time.

RE: Philips - IntelliVue MX800
Added  Jul 7 2015
0 Replies

Hi Biomed Community,

I am a new Biomed at a hospital and responsible for Philips InteliVue central Monitoring system.

At the central nursing station, total beds are divided on to two seperate screens.

So, the problem is that the ECG gives out proper length of paper when charting but the SpO2 only gives half the legth of the ECG chart.

Any ideas what I can do or atleast put me int the right direction.


RE: Philips - IntelliVue MX800

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Equipment Name: Philips - IntelliVue MX800
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