Hillrom - 840 Century
by Hillrom

Hillrom 840 Century Forums

Updated  Feb 24 2016
1 Reply

Where can i found the fuse in hill-rom 840 my email wolodin@ukr.net

RE: Hillrom - 840 Century
Updated  Nov 7 2015
1 Reply

my brother just dropped off a bed for my dad ... my husband was able to fix everything but the knee lift ... there is a lever underneith that says to release knee lift ... but when we try that nothing works .. the foot button does nothing either ... any help?

RE: Hillrom - 840 Century
Updated  Apr 7 2015
2 Replies


Could anyone help me with the Hill-Rom 840 service manual??

I have googled for days and I couldn't find it.

Please, help me!

RE: Hillrom - 840 Century
Added  Dec 1 2014
0 Replies

How do i do a trendelenburg and a reverse trendelenburg on the hill-rom 840 century?

RE: Hillrom - 840 Century
1 Reply

Went in circles trying to get this bed operational.  No matter what I do the head of the bed will go up and the feet go up without anything being pushed.  Please Help.

RE: Hillrom - 840 Century
Updated  Sep 15 2014
1 Reply

bed drifts down

RE: Hillrom - 840 Century
Updated  Aug 30 2012
1 Reply

Dear sir

iam biomedical engineer from lebanon iam head of biomedical and maintenance departments in hospital my question is do you have broads for bed model 840.

please send your answer by this email: s_li_eman@hotmail.com

Good Luck

Eng. Mohammed slieman

RE: Hillrom - 840 Century
Updated  Jan 30 2012
1 Reply

I can't get the brake to work. I push it down and the bed still moves. And is there an owners manual & repair guide anywhere for this bed?

RE: Hillrom - 840 Century

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Equipment Name: Hillrom - 840 Century
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